September at Shugborough

Last month we paid 2 visits to Shugborough, our local(ish) National Trust property. The first visit was on the 1st September on a somewhat overcast day. The second was on the 21st September on a bright, clear sunny morning with the autumn just starting to show on the leaves of the trees. Here is a selection:

I like the less vibrant dahlias such as this one in the garden at Shugborough

When we were walking around the path through the arboretum we noticed these 2-tone yew trees and how distinctive they looked. When we got to the garden I chatted to the gardener doing the trimming where I was informed that this wasn’t a deliberate part of the trimming, but this was as high as he could reach with the hedge trimmer before he needed to use the ladder! It did look good though, even though it was for a short time…

Partially trimmed yew trees at Shugborough

At Shugborough there are some lovely trees but the copper beach near the Chinese House must be one of my favourites. This view shows it changing to autumn colours:

Trees starting to change colour
The mansion at Shugborough bathed by the autumn sun

I included the fence and pathway in this photo as I like to show context as part of the photograph where I think it is appropriate.

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.