Egg thief – postscript

Following on from yesterday evening’s post about the stoat stealing eggs, I read up about it’s habits and learnt that they keep food stashes in various locations. So this morning we had a look around.

This is what we found under one of the nest boxes:

egg stash under nest box

No wonder our egg numbers kept dropping! Looking closer at the last photo from the wildlife camera yesterday, as it was illuminated by the infra-red lamp, underneath the nest box you could just see these eggs from the camera’s low viewpoint (circled):

eggs just visible

We then started to look around and found other stashes of eggs – this one was under an unused wooden ark:

outside egg stash

This had both whole and eaten eggs. But we found holes everywhere with eggs in them.

We have put some obstacles in place to make it more difficult and I am placing the wildlife camera outside the run to see what happens today.

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.