A first walk over Carlton Marshes

On Wednesday we went for our first walk on the reserve at Cartlon Marshes near Lowestoft:

two half-dead treesThis was a pleasant day and we enjoyed the walk. Although I took my camera with a modest telephoto zoom lens, I was not set up for ‘serious’ photography. These are a few snaps of the landscape and wildlife that we did spot.

First up is a lizard. I do like the way the light refracts of the skin causing coloured highlights:

LizardThe was amazingly difficult to spot – my wife saw these when just walking along – I had trouble seeing it even after she pointed it out.

Here we see a Small Tortoiseshell butterfly resting on a leaf:

A Small Tortoiseshell butterfly resting on a leaf.There were a few of these around but they were very flighty, never resting for long so I was quite pleased to get this.

But the dragon fly was difficult to discern and to photograph:

DragonflyAgain, there were a few of these about but I couldn’t get very close most of the time. This is the best shot of several and even then it is it slightly out of focus. Brown on brown makes it difficult to spot.

There was a lot of wildfowl about these ponds:

wildfowl At random intervals the birds shot up into the air and flew around before landing again. I now see why dedicated bird photographers have powerful lenses…

On the grasslands there were rooks feeding:

rooks feedingAgain, I could have done with a more powerful lens. I do like this group of three though.

Finally, I like this shot of the two birds on some electricity supply lines:

birds on electricy wiresThe juxtaposition seems a little incongruous.

In all a pleasant mornings walk and I now have a better idea what is around. I will need to take a tripod next time.

Author: Paul L. G. Morris

I am a freelance photographer whose distinguishing feature is that I am prepared to photograph the unusual and the overlooked. Having had many years of experience pursuing the creative art of photography, coupled with more recent experience as a portrait photographer and garden photographer, I now work professionally through my business: PM Studios Ltd.