Daily garden photos: w/e 24th August

On Thursday I almost stepped on this dragonfly on the lawn:

dragonflyI was returning to the house after letting out the turkeys early in the morning when the sun was still low, and the grass was wet with dew, when I almost stepped on this dragonfly. It must have rested the night an the lawn and was warming up in the sun.

Not knowing how long I had before it flew off, I grabbed my compact camera to get this record shot. I then spent the next 20 minutes photographing this insect with my DSLR before it flew off. I shall be giving more details and photographs in the next post.

My wife has planted several large clumps of Rudbeckia in the garden:

rudbeckiaOn Monday I took this image of a yellow variety that grows quite tall – this stands over 6ft high in our garden. We have several large stands of this flower.

In the polytunnel we grow tomatoes (as well as other crops):

tomatos growingWe are growing about 8 different varieties this year – this shows Gardener’s Delight, a small cherry type tomato.

Stinging nettles are the bane of my life in the garden:

stinging nettlesThey seem to grow faster than I can remove them. They do produce tiny flowers and seem attractive to a variety of insects (not all bad). Here I show the top of a tall nettle in the sun, along with its flowers.

Fennel is a vegetable that we are growing for the first time this year:

FennelFrom a low angle like this, it could almost pass as a view in a forest… It is popular with one of our neighbours who has had all that we can spare so far!

Larger versions, along with previous photos in this series, can be viewed in the gallery.






Author: Paul L. G. Morris

I am a freelance photographer whose distinguishing feature is that I am prepared to photograph the unusual and the overlooked. Having had many years of experience pursuing the creative art of photography, coupled with more recent experience as a portrait photographer and garden photographer, I now work professionally through my business: PM Studios Ltd.