Catching up…

I haven’t posted for quite a while – this isn’t because I haven’t been doing any photography during this period, rather I have been busy experimenting and undertaking other aspects of photography.

The other aspects include: Writing and presenting to my local U3A (University of the Third Age) Photography Group (such as ‘My photographic journey’ which took 2 sessions to present!) and writing an article for the RPS AV (Royal Photographic Society Audio Visual) group magazine – I have recently joined the RPS.

One of the ideas I have played with is to put into a single image the same view taken in infra-red, full colour, and ultra violet using the red, green and blue ‘channels’ respectively. This first try wasn’t very successful and wasn’t helped by a strong wind blowing in the garden which was the subject.

Anyway, here are the results of this test:

Infra-red view of the garden
‘Full spectrum’ daylight
Ultra Violet view

And then we have the combined view:

3 spectrums view of the garden

This needs a bit more work…