August garden detail

Along with my regular views of the garden I also take some detailed photographs:

agapanthusThis is of a single specimen of an Agapanthus (African lily). My wife has a few of these scattered about but this one seemed to stand out more. I feel the photograph looks almost three dimensional – both the colour and the focussing makes the flowers really stand out from the background – I was quite pleased with this image.

This next image shows a Lobelia:LobeliaI have chosen this for the delicate shades of pink of the flowers, and the fact that they contrast well with the green foliage. As with the previous photo, I think that they stand out from the background although not so markedly. It is nice that there is still plenty of colour around despite the poor weather of this summer.

Finally I am showing Rudbeckia:

RudbeckiaFor this I deliberately took the photo from a low viewpoint so as to get the high cloud of the sky as the background. OK, it may have been better with blue but the sun doesn’t always shine when I am about with my camera…

More of these details shots of the garden can be seen in the Garden Gallery.