Panoramic views in the conservatory

I recently took some panoramic views inside our conservatory. These are not 360 panoramas as I showed a few posts ago, but wide views using panoramic techniques. These were taken using my compact camera and a home-made panoramic mount. Here are the results:

A 6-image panoramic view of houseplants in the conservatory
A 5-image panoramic view of houseplants in the conservatory from a lower viewpoint
A 9-image low panoramic view of houseplants in the conservatory

And here are a couple of views of the setup:

First view of the setup used for one of the panoramas

Another view of the setup used for one of the panoramas

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.