New Jack Frost (Joe Frost?)

I am privileged to own a cloth ‘doll’ of Jack Frost made by a neighbour of ours. She was asked by someone else who wanted it if she could make another. Normally she doesn’t do this but made an exception in this case. I was able to photograph this before it was collected by the new owner. Here are the results:

joe frost 1

This is Joe Frost looking quite regal in a chair. But by just changing the angle by photographing from lower down gives quite a different ’emotion’ to the doll:

jow frost 2

I think this is part of the charm of these figurines. But how does it compare to my original?:

joe and jack frost

The new Joe Frost is on the left and my original Jack Frost is on the right. You can see that, although they are similar, they are quite different.

The next photo shows an attempt to separate out Joe from the background so as to enable me to paste them onto different backgrounds. This didn’t work too well as there is a lot of fine lacework where the background comes through:

joe frost plain background

Perhaps I should have used a white background…