Photos taken at the gardens of East Ruston Old Vicarage

As mentioned in my previous post, last week we went to the gardens at East Ruston Old Vicarage in Norfolk. I was pleased to see that my 4 photos are still hanging in the tearooms – here is one of them:

One of my photos hanging above a door in the tea rooms

Below I am showing a selection of other photos taken at these gardens with my compact camera. The visit was on a very dull day with the sky mostly a covering of uniform cloud:

Flowers in the Walled Garden
View of the garden and glasshouse in the Walled Garden
Colour south of the Walled Garden
Outside the glasshouse by the Dutch Garden
Stone planters outside the glasshouse by the Dutch Garden
Shrub with pink flowers
Slate planter in the glasshouse garden
Flower display on a brick plinth in the glasshouse garden
Purple pea pods
A riot of colour

Plenty of colour even on a dull day…